Monday, March 2, 2009

What is the dream

To establish a pathway of hope to bring liberty to those who are oppressed. Our society in it’s desire to help the brokenhearted, is part of the problem. We provide enough care to maintain a level of survival that I would call the living dead.

The men, women, and youth who continue to live the cycle of hopelessness have levels of success and then great dives back into self medication and delusion.

Together we contribute in different ways, we see the problem in different ways. We need to assess what are the steps to wholeness for our friends who are oppressed. We need to build trust together. We need to be able to communicate the same pathway of hope and liberty to our friends.

This a dream we can discover together. We need the wisdom of those who work with our oppressed friends and the wisdom of those who bring healing and liberty to the broken, with an open heart to what the approach would be from a street mentality.

What if we had a tool of Assessment and a Hospital?

Mental Illness, demonic oppression is it one of the above or both?
Trauma, Abandonment, Lordship, Confession & Renunciation, Forgiveness, Breaking ungodly Soul Ties, Generational Ties, Curses, Bitter Root Judgements, Inner Vows,The Occult, what is the problem?

Therapy is not enough, family and community can fail us. People need people to recover.

What is God’s part and our part to bring healing?
Heart, Soul, and Mind need to work together. Wholeness is not achieved quickly, getting past what is in the past takes time.

If the power of Joy is required to achieve wholeness in a fractured world how do we build joy, recovery and life that is abundant?

Surgery requires a hospital. Jesus is not the great magician but the great physician. The biggest part of healing is not putting a band-aid on a wound. Getting to the root of the disease, operating and then allowing time to rest and recover is why a hospital is needed.

Are we going to perpetrate just putting band-aids on the disease and help maintain the cycle of the living dead?